Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This Insane World


    I started this as a way to talk about all the things that go through my head without driving everybody around me crazy, and hopefully, get a few of the people who spend so much time fighting over silly non-issues to stop for a second, and think. Even though you can try as hard as humanly possible, there are some people that you'll never reach. I hope that people read this for what it was meant to be. It's not to try and say I'm better, smarter, etc... than anybody else. I just want to get people talking in a productive way. All I see today, is one side or another yelling so loudly at each other that it's a wonder anything ever gets done. There's more to solving a problem than just being right. 
   We talk all the time about people being free to voice their opinions. But have you noticed that it only lasts as long as the other viewpoint isn't right there in front of you? Also, did you ever notice how we judge others intelligence by how closely their opinions agree with our own? 
   We all live here on this rock, we need to learn how to work together, ( I know that's not anything new) I think now though, more than ever before, that it's necessary. Look at where the world is. Now, don't just take my word for it. here's a man with the degree necessary, to make some people listen, to tell you.......
    I hope somebody has a clue. I know those that are suppossed to be in charge don't seem to, and at this time in history I think it's more important than ever that people stop and think.
We are right on the verge of a major change, such has never been seen before in history. We're either going to crash and burn, or make the turn and go where all the great sci-fi writers, such as, Asimov, or Clarke always told us we were going.
Are you ready for it?
What will happen?
And do you think you can handle it?